valvecover airfilter
valvecover airfilter
are these things not dot aproved and why did i get a 160$ ticket for having it
Because they open up your closed crankcase ventilation system so engine pollutants can escape untreated to the atmosphere. That defeats the operation of your vehicle emissions controls.
And the fine should have been closer to $400. Count your blessings.
And the fine should have been closer to $400. Count your blessings.
anyone know if their is a major advantage to having this done ive had thje filter their since i owned my car but never really knew if it was worth keeping
Originally Posted by silentcivic
anyone know if their is a major advantage to having this done ive had thje filter their since i owned my car but never really knew if it was worth keeping
there is no purpose to this. you will probably GAIN power (however insignifcant it may be) by providing a vacuum on your crankcase by leaving it like factory, connected to the intake.
are you guys talking about breathers? little mini cone filters attathced to my valve cover? thats illegal? cmon, what is this world coming to?
Originally Posted by JDm_92
not like a cop's ever gonna make you pop your hood though...