Hey look its StealthZ
Hey look its StealthZ
Yes, another post. Ok no more talking, a picture says a 1000 words.
Last edited by rabbitman; 01-28-2007 at 08:13 PM.
lmfao... what a moron... only someone that is stupid enough to buy/own a J-body is THAT stupid. Even people on the J-body forum were shaking their heads...
That guy should hate gotten IDIOT tattoo'd across his forehead while he was there.
That guy should hate gotten IDIOT tattoo'd across his forehead while he was there.
Originally Posted by B6T
Damn... now his arm's only going to last another year or so before it starts making all sorts of rattling noises and random pieces just begin to fall off...
Originally Posted by Nastyzed
Moron. Get over the J-BODY bullshit.. Chevy has a much better car now that replaced it.
Originally Posted by B6T
So what... doesn't change the fact that every day people still have to share the road with a trillion of the rotting J-Body -heaps. And how am I a moron? Because I don't smoke the crack that makes you think J-bodies are in any way, shape, or form a decent mode of transportation?
First off I never called you a moron. I was refering to the guy who put that horrible tatt on his arm.
Secondly there are more honda civic hatchbacks on the road visibly falling apart then j-bodies. In fact there are probibly just as many if not early J-BODYS still on the roads today. WHY? because GM dropped reliable 60* engines and TH125 tranny combos into them. Many people can tesitfy the durability of these cars they simply drive forever with the exeption of the body if not taken care of.
Lastly they make a fine cheap car to beat on. If maintained they hold up just fine. Sure they have trunk gaps and squeeky interiors. But they were not made to win awards. They are simply a cheap bottom of the barrell car. Later models with the ECOTECH are also very reliable. I'm not doubting the earlier 2.4s were all that great they weren't. At the same time the Z24 and GT models are a fairly decent looking car for the price.