How hard would it be to install a ZO6 brake upgrade?
How hard would it be to install a ZO6 brake upgrade?
I have an intake and other small mods on the way. However I want to do something big, you know the kind of mod you can put in your sig that not everyone else has. I have done light work on my car but nothing major. So I was wondering how mechanically skilled does someone have to be to do this kind of mod? The upgrade involves brackets, new calipers, pads, and rotors. The rotors and pads don't bother me but I'm not sure about brackets (how would they instal?l) and calipers. So how hard would this mod be to do?
the bracket is what holds the caliper on you remove the caliper when you change the brakes (all you'd have left is the fluid line which I would suggest upgrading to stainless steel) then bleed the brakes really easy to do
Originally Posted by archemedes
the bracket is what holds the caliper on you remove the caliper when you change the brakes (all you'd have left is the fluid line which I would suggest upgrading to stainless steel) then bleed the brakes really easy to do
It is **** near impossible to get a straight answer about this upgrade. I'm reading things about having to change steering knuckles and spindles, and some sites saying you can just go from stock and just add the brackets.
Originally Posted by archemedes
check stainless steel brakes they should have something
Originally Posted by archemedes
I always thaought that's what kit meant
All I know is if I have the change the steering knuckle just for some better brakes then I'm going to be riding stock for a while.
Originally Posted by archemedes
if you have to change the knuckle go for some baer brakes or something